Businesses are the heart and soul of the economy and can be just as varied and interesting as the people who run them. Couple businesses have been around for centuries and are…
Losing Friends Because of Divorce
A divorce is one of the most traumatic experiences anyone will ever go through. All forms of normalcy and continuity are hurled out the window as finances are decimated, families…
What to Say When Someone Tells You They Are Getting/Going Through a Divorce
What to Say When Someone Tells You They Are Getting/Going Through a Divorce We haven’t gone out for coffee in forever. I guess we’ve been busy—it’s nice to catch up….
Navigating Co-Parenting Successfully
Navigating Co-Parenting Successfully Even the most idyllic marriage can end in divorce and heartbreak, and there are as many different reasons they fall apart as there are couples. People change…
Building a New Life After Divorce
Building a New Life After Divorce If you’re just finalized your divorce, no matter the circumstances, we know one thing about you for sure: You’re a mess. We get it….
What Can Be Used Against You in Divorce?
What Can Be Used Against You in Divorce? Divorce is the second most stressful live event after the death of a loved one, and if your spouse is a high-conflict…
Dissolution of Marriage VS Divorce: What to Know
Dissolution of Marriage VS Divorce: What to Know If you ask the average person on the street, every time two people end a marriage it’s a divorce. The term is…
How Much is a Mediator for Divorce?
How Much is a Mediator for Divorce? Facing a divorce is the most terrifying moment of your life. You’re losing your house, your children are up in the air, and…
Preparing for Divorce With a High-Conflict Spouse
Preparing for Divorce With a High-Conflict Spouse Divorce is scary even when it’s amicable. It’s a huge change in your personal life, your finances, and your family structure, and it…
What Does a Mediator Do In A Divorce? Benefits Explained
What does a Mediator Do In A Divorce? Benefits Explained If you are planning a divorce or currently divorcing, you know that what seems very simple on paper is actually…