Navigating Divorce: A Journey of Transformation and Empowerment

In the heart of any town, where life’s complexities often hide behind the facade of daily routines, Sarah’s world was quietly unraveling. The foundation of her family, once solid and reassuring, now trembled under the strain of a marriage that had lost its way. The discord between Sarah and her husband had escalated, enveloping their home in a suffocating blanket of tension and uncertainty, profoundly affecting their children, Mia and Alex.

Sarah found herself at a crossroads, caught between the paralyzing fear of change and the undeniable truth that a peaceful resolution was necessary for the well-being of all involved. The journey toward this resolution was daunting. How could it not be?

Sarah was all too aware of what needed to be done, yet an invisible barrier held her back, a common plight that resonates deeply with many standing on the precipice of life-altering decisions. It was this very struggle that led Sarah to seek the guidance of experts who could illuminate her path: a Certified Divorce Coach and Private Mediator.

Little did she know, this decision would not only change the course of her divorce but transform her life in the process.

As fate would have it, Sarah’s quest for support brought her to me, Paulette Rigo, a Certified Divorce Coach with a deep personal and professional commitment to guiding individuals through the tumult of divorce with grace, understanding, and strategic planning.

At Better Divorce Academy, we believe in the power of compassionate, expert guidance to navigate the complex emotional and logistical landscapes of divorce.

Working with Sarah, I embarked on a journey to understand the depths of her fears and resistance. Through our sessions, Sarah discovered that her hesitation was not a sign of weakness but a natural response to the unknown. Together, we tackled the root of her anxieties, transforming fear into empowerment. Our goal was not merely to prepare Sarah for the legalities of divorce but to empower her with the confidence and clarity to make decisions aligned with her true needs and those of her family.

Simultaneously, Sarah learned about Private Mediation, a crucial step in facilitating a dialogue grounded in a commitment to avoid court, save unnecessary legal fees, and maintain a relationship between her and her husband. This process was designed to strip away the emotional volatility that clouded their communication, focusing instead on constructive solutions that honored the well-being of their children above all.

The mediation sessions provided a neutral ground where both parties could voice their concerns and negotiate terms that reflected the best interests of the entire family, laying a solid foundation for a cooperative co-parenting relationship.

Sarah’s transformation throughout this process was profound. With the support of Better Divorce Academy, she bridged the gap between knowing what needed to be done and summoning the courage to act. The journey was not without its challenges, but with each step, Sarah found her strength, her voice, and, ultimately, her peace.

The story of Sarah’s journey is a powerful testament to the transformative impact of seeking professional guidance during one of life’s most challenging transitions. It highlights the importance of not only having the right information but being supported in the application of this knowledge by experts who understand the emotional and practical complexities of divorce.

Sarah’s experience can be yours too! At Better Divorce Academy, we are committed to providing this level of support to each individual who walks through our doors.

We understand that the path to a better divorce is unique for everyone and requires a personalized approach that addresses the emotional, financial, and logistical aspects of the process. Our mission is to empower our clients to navigate their divorce with dignity, strength, and a clear vision for the future.

If you find yourself in a situation similar to Sarah’s, facing the daunting prospect of divorce but unsure how to proceed, I invite you to reach out to me, Paulette Rigo, and the team at Better Divorce Academy.

Together, we can explore how our coaching and mediation services can support you through this challenging time, transforming a period of uncertainty into an opportunity for growth and new beginnings.

Remember, the journey through divorce is not one you have to walk alone. With the right guidance and support, you can navigate this transition with confidence and grace, emerging stronger and more empowered on the other side.

Let us be your partners in this journey, guiding you toward a resolution that honors your values, your family, and your future. Contact me now…the sooner the better.

Need support while navigating a difficult divorce? Schedule a consultation call here.

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I won the lottery in divorce.

I am the .001%

97% of divorce does not go to trial  and of the 3% that do go to trial only 1% of that 3% goes to the appellate court!

Well, that was ME.

I personally endured an 8.5 year fully litigated case that included a 12 day trial that took place over 9 months and after all that living hell…(please excuse my french)

there was a FOUR year state supreme appellate court process.

It cost a TON of money, years of my life tied up in court and it nearly destroyed me and my family.

the funny thing during this time I could barely help myself but time and time again other’s reached out to ME for help..

I called my attorney Marty (gutta remember I was born in Boston)

and told him what happening.

I asked him if I should go to law school…
he smiled and said you know Paulette you think like a judge act like a lawyer and feel like a therapist you owe it to give back and help people you my dear have experienced what 99% of people never will… that experience gives you the depth and the breath of the entire divorce process

Full Circle

my personal experience gave me the awareness, skills and strength to help countless others facing mediation, divorce, antagonistic litigation and ever-changing family dynamics.

It drove me to do a tremendous amount of education, training, internship, mentoring and certification and create Better Divorce Academy, author the #1 best selling book, workbook, and the 8-module self-paced course: Better Divorce Blueprint and host The Better Divorce Podcast.

With my team of experts, we blend private mediation with Certified Divorce Coaching to help you stay in control, make wise decisions, and maintain your dignity.

I’m here to transform divorce and create an optimal experience for YOU.

The one I didn’t have 😟

but you can.