Process of Divorce Mediation

Process of Divorce Mediation

The decision to pursue a divorce marks a critical juncture in one’s life, laden with complexities and emotional upheaval. Divorce Mediation can prove to be a life-savior, providing a streamlined pathway through the otherwise labyrinthine journey of divorce. This process offers a practical and intelligent approach to navigating this pivotal life transition while safeguarding emotional well-being.


How to Prepare for Successful Mediation Sessions?


A smoother experience with a Private Divorce Mediator hinges on mental preparedness for cooperation and creating a harmonious space with one’s partner. In anticipation of your first consultation, the following documents can be kept handy to avoid any hussle in the future:

  • Financial Documents: Income statements, tax returns, property valuations, and asset inventories.
  • Legal Documents: Pre-existing agreements, prenuptial arrangements, and any relevant court orders.
  • Parenting Plans: If applicable, documents outlining child custody preferences and visitation schedules.
  • Expense Records: Records of expenses, debts, and financial obligations.


Step-by-step Guide to Divorce Mediation


Step1: Research and selection 

The couple researches and selects a qualified and experienced Divorce Mediator. Mediators can be lawyers, mental health professionals, financials or other specialists trained in alternative dispute resolution and mediation techniques.

Step 2: Orientation 


After the couple has taken the canny decision of consulting a Divorce Mediator, this would be their first formal meeting either in person, on the phone or virtually. This is usually a basic induction where matters like payment terms, procedural ground rules of the mediation process are established. This phase serves as the bedrock for managing expectations, ensuring both parties are aligned with the process ahead.


Step 3: Joint meeting


This meeting is like an open forum in a congenial environment where both the parties come face to face to present their sides. The mediator facilitates the dialogue fostering understanding and empathy, enabling each party to articulate their viewpoint. The congenial environment provided gives an opportunity for the couple to understand each other’s point of views. The couple provides information about their financial situation, assets, debts, and any other relevant details. The mediator helps the couple identify and prioritize the issues that need to be resolved, such as property division, child custody, child support, spousal support (alimony), and more. The mediator diligently documents the proceedings, ensuring no essential element is overlooked.  Their views are heard on important matters like. Multiple joint meetings may occur, tailored to the pace of progress.


Step 4: Private meeting


After the joint meeting, the Divorce Mediator organizes individual meetings with both the parties if needed. In the cases where the success of the joint meetings yield complexity, private consultations come to the fore. This step helps unveil otherwise unspoken or confidential information that may guide the mediator in uncovering the root cause of the issue. These insights equip the mediator to better comprehend the situation, paving the way for reaching the point of agreement.


Step 5: Negotiation on important matters


After all the matters are duly and understood in the process, the final negotiations take place. After a holistic understanding of the case, the couple and the mediator brainstorm possible solutions to each issue based on the discussions held in the meetings. Both the parties are empowered to negotiate on important matters such as  property division, child custody, child support, and spousal support. The mediator here encourages creative thinking  and offers an array of potential ways of resolution or settlement.


Step 6: Agreement drafting


This is the concluding step of the process of litigation of Divorce Mediation. If the couple reaches a consensus and decides upon settlement, the Divorce Mediator drafts a final agreement (Memorandum of Understanding MOU) with all the terms and conditions and a written record of everything the couple negotiated on. This document is not legally binding at this stage but serves as the basis for creating legally binding documents later on. Once both parties sign the final MOU it becomes known as a Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) which is then the foundation of creating the legal paperwork submitted to the court by a transactional attorney. In an uncontested case after mediation is complete the courts still require the formal “latin” divorce agreeemnt to be approved and filed with the court.


In case the couple is unable to reach common grounds and wants to move for litigation, the mediator provides them with the whole account of the process. This can serve as a relevant document in the court. It would also make their litigation process less stressful, facilitating a smoother transition to litigation if needed.


What to Expect From Divorce Mediation?


Divorce Mediators are congenial answers to your complicated divorce situation. They are professionals who will not lead you to a designated path but will design tailor-made solutions, designed especially for you. As each case is unique, they are dealt with the same uniqueness here. They are not just neutral third-parties, but reliable and trustworthy parties that are expected to deal with the case with the amount of sensitivity it deserves. Private mediation eliminates expensive litigation, lengthy time spent tangled up in court procedures and an optimal more peaceful experience for the family as a whole.

If you’re feeling trapped and uncertain about how to take that first step, delve into the ” HOW TO AVOID THE 12 WORST DIVORCE MISTAKES ” It could be your emotional lifeline to finding your way forward.

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I won the lottery in divorce.

I am the .001%

97% of divorce does not go to trial  and of the 3% that do go to trial only 1% of that 3% goes to the appellate court!

Well, that was ME.

I personally endured an 8.5 year fully litigated case that included a 12 day trial that took place over 9 months and after all that living hell…(please excuse my french)

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Full Circle

my personal experience gave me the awareness, skills and strength to help countless others facing mediation, divorce, antagonistic litigation and ever-changing family dynamics.

It drove me to do a tremendous amount of education, training, internship, mentoring and certification and create Better Divorce Academy, author the #1 best selling book, workbook, and the 8-module self-paced course: Better Divorce Blueprint and host The Better Divorce Podcast.

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The one I didn’t have 😟

but you can.